“Enchanting Day” Castle Illustration

“Enchanting Day” Castle Illustration

I was inspired by the beauty of the newly refreshed signature castle and created a watercolor illustration based on it, “Enchanting Day”. It was pure magic to see the delight on my children’s faces as they saw this for the first time!

The 10×13″ limited edition print of the illustration has hand-painted gold ink embellishments — it is sure to delight fans of magical places of all ages.

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Autumn Harvest: Savoring the Splendor of Fall

Autumn Harvest: Savoring the Splendor of Fall

“Autumn Harvest” by Annie Dash Studios, watercolor on paper

October is my favorite month of the year. The crispness in the air, the vibrant colors of the earth and sky, the start of school and projects, all lead to a feeling of renewal and hope. A sense of new beginnings and opportunities. My birthday month, a time when I look at how far I’ve come and where I’m going, October fills me with gratitude and joy.

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Sunset Seascape: Finding Restoration with Painting

Sunset Seascape: Finding Restoration with Painting

In times of worry, I find that focusing on the good, beautiful, and inspirational things in life helps restore my weary spirit; I have been reconnecting with seascape painting in celebration of the summer season. This piece, “Sunset Seascape”, oil on canvas, is from a sunset reference photo I took many years ago in Key West and was just completed.

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©2024 Annie Dash Studios, LLC New Albany, IN Artist | Portrait Artist & Painter
(502) 208-8756

Annie Dash Studios is a portrait artist and painter serving New Albany, Indiana and beyond with commissioned and original realistic fine art pastel, watercolor, and acrylic paintings.