“Nature is the art of God.” – Dante Alighieri
“Magnolia”, Watercolor on paper, 9×12, 2021
When my family moved into our home several years ago, I was awestruck by the beauty of an exquisite magnolia blossom growing on the bush by our front walkway. I was inspired to photograph it and here is the result:

“Magnolia”, 2016 photograph by Annie Dash
Later, I felt called to create a work of art from this photograph (both shown above). For the painting, I chose not to play on the extreme contrast between the deep green background and the flower, but instead focused on the beauty of the blossom and the essence of the greenery in the background.
Watercolor was my chosen medium and it was definitely a challenge for this piece — one wrong move could destroy my work. After many hours, I am happy that I was able to complete my vision of the finished work this past week. This reminds me that perseverance, careful attention to detail, and trust in the creative process all have their rewards in the end.
I can’t wait to see it framed in my home and have the artwork printed on birthday cards. I hope you enjoyed this work and encourage you to pay attention to the beauty in the world all around us.
Have a peaceful and relaxing day, friends!