Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. – Matthew 5:4

“My Dad, Gary Marland”, 9×12″, graphite on Bristol paper by Annie Dash
This work was created in loving memory of my beloved father, Gary R. Marland, who passed away surrounded by his nine loving children and wife of 50 years on April 8, 2019. It is dedicated to all of us who were touched by his life and who continue to grieve from his passing.
I lovingly created this memorial portrait in graphite from the last informal photograph I took of him during my parents’ visit to my home in Jan. 2019. I sought to convey not only his countenance but the love, gentleness, and kindness of his spirit as well as his passion for reading and lifelong learning.
He always encouraged my love of art and music, and I know he would be proud that I created this work in his honor. It brought me tremendous peace, and I hope that peace is also communicated to you.
My dad is dearly missed, forever loved, and will never be forgotten by our family. I have faith and hope that we will meet again.